So it all began on June 2 @ around 5:30 my mom shows up at our door. (my mom lives in ID) My response was,"what are you doing here?" I was then told that on Sunday the 6th, Marshall and I will be leaving on a plane to St. Thomas and my mom was here to watch the kids.
My mother-in-law had spoiled me the previous month with a new swim suit and sandals. (which I was so grateful for when I was told where we were going and when!! She's the best!!)
When we arrived at St. Thomas we pick up our rental car, a soft top Jeep, (I love Jeeps!!)
We first went to secret harbor where we went snorkeling for the first time, it wasn't the best snorkeling, but it was a great beach with not very many people. Also, we had my favorite food of the trip there (mahi, mahi sandwhich with pineapple). That is where we also saw the Iguanas, up close and personal.

We then went to Coki Beach, where the water was so clear! It had really good snorkeling, if you could get past the fish coming after you! They feed the fish dog biscits there so the fish think you are going to feed them, after you pass those fish and get over to the rocky area the snorkeling was great.
The next day we took the ferry over to St. John's

We first went to Trunk bay, it has the most wonderful sand (it's like powder). You felt like you were swimming in a large salty pool. They have a really cool snorkel path with information under the water, about the fish, corral, and everything else.

We then went to Annaberg trail. That is where we took a pretty hike to the beach and swam (snorkeled) mostly swimming, the island with the snorkeling was way out there. By the time we got there, we realized if we wanted to make sure we got on the ferry back to St. Thomas that day we better get started swimming back. It was still allot of fun just swimming, walking, and talking.

The next day we took it easy. We bought gifts, but mostly sat around and visited with Leah. I can't believe we didn't take pictures with her. We went out to a local pub, don't worry we didn't drink, but they had the best pizza and view. We then finished our trip watching the flyer's game. It was a wonderful, relaxing trip. It was nice just having time with Marshall. I am forever greatful for a wonderful husband!!