fall in a day

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fun with Family

It has been great having Grandpa Cammack come and visit us while working in Mexicali (about 2.5 hours from us, just over the Mexico border) J.T. and Ashtyn give him little rest while here because it is time to play!
This is Janelle at thanksgiving wearing the latest bird fashions straight from Thatcher, Idaho. Who needs Paris or New York?
Ashtyn made a new, and probably her only, dog friend, Roxy at Grandma and Grandpa Sharp's house. She spent quite a bit of time feeding Roxy one piece of dog food at a time with a spoon. Talk about pampering your dog!
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1 comment:

makeover16 said...

OK, so a quick question. Why is Marshall wearing a Scout uniform? Did he get called to something Scout-related, or is he just reliving the "glory days"? :)